Our Parish is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults from harm. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO). Our Diocese’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor who advises our PSO. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm, please contact the PSO Atim Oji on 07422 653952 or [email protected] or the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor Pamela Chisholm on 0207 939 9423 (office hours), 0203 874 6743 (out of hours). If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority’s children or adult social care services.
Parish of St Edward the Confessor, Mottingham Safeguarding Policy:
As StEP is no longer a CIO or associated with the church of St. Edward the Confessor in any way, all references to this organisation have been removed from this policy.
The following policy was originally agreed at the Parochial Church Council (PCC) meeting held on 12th January 2019 and was put before the APCM of the Church. In accordance with the Church of England Safeguarding Policy as set out in the Southwark Diocesan Safeguarding document, “A Safe Church” ( and Charity Commission guidance the Parish are committed to:
• promoting a safer environment and culture
• promoting an environment and culture committed to equal and non-discriminatory treatment in all aspects of the organisations’ work
• safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility related to children, young people and vulnerable adults within the church
• responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation
• caring pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse and other affected persons
• caring pastorally for all members, staff and volunteers as well as project beneficiaries
• caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons
• responding to those who may pose a present risk to others.
The understanding of abuse that is adopted in this policy follows statutory definitions set out in the Children Act 1989 and subsequent legislation, as outlined in National Church Safeguarding instruments and Section 9, page 9.3+ of the Southwark Diocese A Safer Church Policy (ASC); abuse includes:
• Physical, emotional and sexual abuse
• Neglect
• Financial abuse
• Spiritual abuse
• Domestic violence, abuse and controlling behaviour
• Abuse of power in all forms including bullying
Further details about the signs of abuse can be found within section 9 of the ASC Policy, a copy of which is found in the Parish and included in the training of all church members, staff, volunteers and trustees.
The church will:
• create a safe and caring place for all, including both beneficiaries and workers (whether paid staff or volunteers) and visitors to the project through appropriate training, procedures and risk assessments (in accordance with section 4, “A Safer Church”)
• have a named Safeguarding Officer (PSO) for the Parish to work with the Incumbent and the PCC to implement policy and procedures (section 3.9 & Appendix 3, “A Safer Church”)
• safely recruit, train and support all those with any responsibility for children, young people and adults to have the confidence and skills to recognise and respond to abuse (section 5, “A Safer Church”)
• support those with any responsibility for children, young people and adults through the provision of regular supervision and at least annual training and involvement in the review of the safeguarding policy (“A Safer Church” sections 3-6)
• ensure that there is appropriate insurance cover for all activities whether involving children and/or adults undertaken in the name of the Parish (section 4 “A Safer Church”)
• display on the premises and on all websites the details of whom to contact with safeguarding concerns or support needs
• listen to and take seriously all those who disclose abuse
• take steps to protect children and adults when a safeguarding concern of any kind arises, following all relevant guidance including that of the LADO and statutory authorities, the House of Bishops’ guidance, notifying the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA) and making all appropriate referrals (section 6, “A Safer Church”)
• offer support to victims/survivors of abuse regardless of the type of abuse, when or where it occurred (sections 6&7 “A Safer Church”)
• care for and monitor any member of the community who may pose a risk to children and adults whilst maintaining appropriate confidentiality and the safety of all parties (section 8, “A Safer Church”)
The PCC will ensure that:
• health and safety policy, procedures and risk assessments are in place and that these are reviewed annually
• there are appropriate policies in place to tackle bullying, provide for protection on-line, ensure data protection and consent to photography in line with the GDPR and other legislation in force over time
• there are complaints, grievance and whistleblowing policies in place and that all who make a complaint are treated fairly and have access to the relevant complaints, grievance or whistleblowing policy
• there are procedures in place so that all users of the hall and church premises observe this safeguarding policy and, in the case of recognised organisations working with children and/or vulnerable beneficiaries will have in place their own policy of an equivalent standard
• the implementation of the Safeguarding Policy, Procedures and Practice is reviewed annually at the Parish APCM and undertake regular reviews in the light of new policy, advice from the Diocesan safeguarding team, legislation and following any incident or allegation.
All trustees and each person who works in the church community will agree to abide by this policy and its principles and to observe standards of conduct in line with:
• The Nolan principles of selflessness, integrity, impartiality and objectivity, accountability, openness and honesty and
• The principles of pastoral care set out in Section 7 of ASC.
In the case of failure to abide by this policy, its principles and the overarching Diocesan Policy the following remedies are available:
a) In respect of any trustee or member of staff, whether paid or a volunteer – the Diocesan complaints procedure, Section 6 ASC which recommends the resolution of the issue at local level in the first instance via the Incumbent or to the church wardens during an interregnum
b) For any staff member, paid or voluntary, the grievance procedure
c) In respect of the Incumbent – a complaint under the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003 either to the Archdeacon (0207 939 9408) or directly following the guidance at:
d) In respect of the Churchwardens – a complaint to the PCC via the Incumbent as Chair of the PCC or a complaint direct to the Archdeacon (0207 939 9408) or the Bishop (0207 939 9420)
e) In respect of the Southwark Pastoral Auxiliaries (SPAs) – a complaint to the PCC via the Incumbent or to the SPA team at Diocesan House (0207 939 9400) or the Archdeacon of Greenwich & Lewisham (0207 939 9408) or the Bishop (0207 939 9420)
Date: ..................................
Approved by APCM: 12th May 2024 Amended November 21st 2024
Signed by:……………………………………………… for the PCC
The following are appointed as safeguarding officers locally:
• Atim Robinson as the Parish Safeguarding Officer
• Ruth Slater as the DBS checker
• Incumbent: Vacancy, interregnum
• Churchwardens: Paul Betts and Errol Furlong
Reporting a safeguarding concern or allegation about a child or young person
This is the procedure that church officers and bodies must follow if they have a safeguarding concern or allegation about a child or young person. Please see below for the procedure flow chart and Section 6 Safer Church for more detail:
You suspect or witness abuse, someone discloses information about a safeguarding concern or allegation
EMERGENCY — Immediate
If child is in immediate danger, call the police immediately. Ring 999
NON-EMERGENCY — Within 24 hours
• Record and report to the nominated safeguarding officer
• Agree who will inform the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA)
• All information to the nominated safeguarding officers and DSA
• Report and discuss with the DSA within 24 hours
• The DSA will provide advice and guidance
RECORD and inform local church officers of no further action or church support offer
The work of the Diocesan Safeguarding Team includes:
• responding to and supporting parishes where there are concerns about situations regarding children or adults who may be vulnerable, or when allegations of abuse have been made
• taking a lead role when allegations are made or safeguarding concerns expressed about church officers
• advising parishes on safeguarding policy and practice.
Bromley LADO – Gemma Taylor [email protected] Tel: 020 8461 7373
• Children’s services (Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5pm): 020 8461 7373/7309
• Out of hours/weekends/public holidays: 0300 303 8671
• Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH): [email protected]
• Concerned about a child's immediate safety, call 999 and ask for the police and if there is injury, for an ambulance
• NSPCC – 0800 1111 (for U18s) or 0808 800 5000 (adult reports concerns)
• Agree who will refer to children’s social care and/or police (if a crime has been committed)
• Refer to children’s social care and/or police within 24 hours
• Share information and follow advice of children’s social care and/or police. Keep DSA updated
Possible OUTCOMES – more than one may apply
• No further action
• Child in need/early help assessment
• Child protection conference
• Criminal prosecution
Ensure accurate record is made of actions taken and of the outcome. Place on case file