
When we moved to the area a few years ago, we decided to attend Sunday service, as we felt the need to finally reconnect to our Christian faith. It just didn’t feel right to live our faith almost as a sense of duty or a weekly routine. We needed more to bring God's presence to our hearts, closer.

Even though St Edward’s is the closest church to our home, as a Catholic I didn't find it  so comfortable at first to attend a Church of England service. I then started to regularly attend on Sundays at St Edward’s. Unexpectedly, the first time I stepped inside, there was something unique and divine in the atmosphere. Difficult to put it into words. I finally realised that this place is full of positive vibes. It is a haven where not only are we living our faith, but also celebrating life. St Edward’s isn’t only a place of worship, but also an important hub to the local community. A place where everyone is welcome, no matter what your faith or background. St Edward’s is a beacon of light in the darkness, a shelter when it is cold. Since attending St Edward’s, I feel rejoiced and liberated, my heart has opened to God's presence; needless to say, a sense of spiritual rebirth.

When I was hearing, I wasn’t listening, 

When I was looking, I wasn’t seeing, 

When I was touching, I wasn’t feeling.

The community of St Edward's has opened my heart and made me feel closer to God than ever before and I will always be grateful for it. Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced His perfect love. (1 John 4:18).


None of my family were Christians, in fact my father was an atheist, but my grandmother had a faith. We lived next door to the church hall – the church having been rebuilt some distance away – so my parents sent us 3 girls to Sunday School, so they had a few hours peace on a Sunday morning!

Once I was too old for Sunday School, a wonderful man called Mr Eaves, started a junior sides person rota and so I began to attend the church, St. Augustine's Bromley. I announced to my mother that I wanted to be confirmed aged 13 and that was the true beginning of my faith journey.

I became a Sunday School leader in the new church hall and when I had children of my own, became the children’s worker at St. Edmund’s Yeading in Middlesex. The big ‘wow Lord’ moment came when my younger daughter at age 6, fell off the school climbing frame onto concrete and went blind and deaf.

My Vicar rushed to casualty and took her hand and said, ‘Talitha Koum’, which is the Aramaic phrase Jesus used when he raised Jairus’ daughter. She was promptly sick all over him and made a full recovery! Thanks be to God.

I have had a great deal of emotional, family and health issues in my life, but my faith in a loving, ever-present God, has always strengthened and sustained me. I love the Bible verse from Joshua, ‘Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for I the Lord your God am with you wherever you go’. AMEN.
